What is UReady.Fun About?

In 2022, Nielsen Media Research data published by the Radio Advertising Bureau indicated that 82% of Americans aged 12 and older listened to terrestrial radio during any given week. While this figure has slightly decreased, it has remained remarkably stable over time and this stability is expected to continue in the future.

In contrast, podcasts and other audio streaming services have experienced a significant surge in usage and popularity. The percentage of Americans aged 12 and over who have listened to podcasts increased from just 12% in 2013 to 42% by 2023.

The pandemic, which had forced people to stay indoors and resort to services like Netflix, has now led to a notable trend in the opposite towards consuming content on-the-go through audio formats. Podcasts, in particular, have become an increasingly popular choice over visual mediums that demand more attention. This shift presents growing opportunities for businesses to reach their customers via audio messaging. In this context, UReady.Fun’s call-to-action domain names are ideally positioned to serve as an effective medium for this purpose.

Why Rent A Domain?

In certain circumstances, it absolutely makes sense to buy a domain name and have it serve as a primary gateway to your digital resources. However, you are not limited to using just one gateway. Utilizing a call-to-action domain name is an effective way to separate your core brand from specific campaigns, offering an easy alternative access point for customers to engage with your services. Acquiring a unique, easily memorable domain name suitable for a specific context can be a challenge. Often, such domain names are already owned, with owners waiting to charge excessive prices.

Now, there’s no need to worry. Rent an outstanding call-to-action domain name tailored for your campaign and use it as required. If it proves successful, continue using it and integrate any of our other domains into a comprehensive strategy that benefits your business. UReady.Fun makes this easy!

What is UReady.Fun About?

In 2022, Nielsen Media Research data published by the Radio Advertising Bureau indicated that 82% of Americans aged 12 and older listened to terrestrial radio during any given week. While this figure has slightly decreased, it has remained remarkably stable over time and this stability is expected to continue in the future.

In contrast, podcasts and other audio streaming services have experienced a significant surge in usage and popularity. The percentage of Americans aged 12 and over who have listened to podcasts increased from just 12% in 2013 to 42% by 2023.

The pandemic, which had forced people to stay indoors and resort to services like Netflix, has now led to a notable trend in the opposite towards consuming content on-the-go through audio formats. Podcasts, in particular, have become an increasingly popular choice over visual mediums that demand more attention. This shift presents growing opportunities for businesses to reach their customers via audio messaging. In this context, UReady.Fun’s call-to-action domain names are ideally positioned to serve as an effective medium for this purpose.

Why Rent A Domain?

In certain circumstances, it absolutely makes sense to buy a domain name and have it serve as a primary gateway to your digital resources. However, you are not limited to using just one gateway. Utilizing a call-to-action domain name is an effective way to separate your core brand from specific campaigns, offering an easy alternative access point for customers to engage with your services. Acquiring a unique, easily memorable domain name suitable for a specific context can be a challenge. Often, such domain names are already owned, with owners waiting to charge excessive prices.

Now, there’s no need to worry. Rent an outstanding call-to-action domain name tailored for your campaign and use it as required. If it proves successful, continue using it and integrate any of our other domains into a comprehensive strategy that benefits your business. UReady.Fun makes this easy!